
Strider's International Appalachian Trail Thru Hike and C2C Completion

Lori Prima, Luke "Strider" Jordan Season 10 Episode 5

Strider comes back on Hike to discuss completing his 2024 thru hike on the International Appalachian Trail (IAT). He started on the Pinhoti Trail and went all the way up to the tip of Newfoundland, though his hike was not always linear. We learn more about that in this interview, including how this hike led to his completion of the C2C (Coast to Coast) trail. 

We chat about some of the logistics of hiking across the Northern border including: border crossings, hitching a ride, camp sites, hiking during hunting season and resupplies. 

Connect with Strider:


Facebook - StriderC2C

Listen to our previous episode about the North Country Trail (2020)

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